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Foto: Sverre Simonsen

Rekordpåmelding til Torskefiskkonferansen

Aldri før har så mange ønsket å være med på Torskefiskkonferansen. Den er for lengst utsolgt, og nå er det kun digital påmelding som er mulig.
Torsdag 2. november er det duket for årets utgave av den tradisjonsrike konferansen. Denne gang har arrangørene Norges sjømatråd og Norges Råfisklag hatt ekstra mye å gjøre i forkant.
Måtte si stopp på 450 deltagere
- I år har det vært en historis

Andreas Thorud departs from the Seafood Council's operations in China

Andreas Thorud departs from the Seafood Council's operations in China

After around two and a half years in the role, Andreas Thorud has chosen to resign from his position as the seafood representative to China and has announced a move to Nordic Aqua Partners.
This means that the Seafood Council will soon begin recruiting a new representative for our office in Shanghai. The company aims to carry out a thorough and efficient recruitment process to ensure a smooth t

Photo: Gleb Albovsky/Unsplash

Norwegian seafood exports to Ukraine, Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union

In connection with Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Norwegian Seafood Council has received a number of inquiries about the consequences for Norwegian seafood exports to these countries. Here is a summary of key facts and figures.
Share of Norwegian seafood exports
Ukraine accounts for 1.8% of the total export value of Norwegian seafood. Norway exported seafood worth NOK 2.2 billion to Ukr

Quality labelled skrei from Norway

Norwegian skrei making headlines across Europe

In Spain, they call it the "wild and athletic cod that returns home every year", in Germany "the gold from Lofoten" and in France as a "premium seasonal product". There is no doubt that Norwegian skrei has caught the media's interest in Europe this year as well.
The corona pandemic has impacted the 2021 skrei season in so many ways. With travel restrictions and closed restaurants, the Norwegia

Feed barge at Norwegian salmon farm

Norwegian salmon sets higher standard for sustainable feed

Norwegian salmon farmers are always striving to raise the bar on sourcing the highest quality, nutritious and sustainable feed.
Whilst Norwegian salmon has been fed purely certifiably non-deforestation grown soya for years, the industry has joined forces using their market power to drive broader change and end the trade of deforestation soya to other industries.
This year, the industry has

Corona virus: How it affects Norwegian seafood exports

Corona virus: How it affects Norwegian seafood exports

The Norwegian Seafood Council receives many requests from media and industry about how the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic affects Norwegian seafood exports and the operations of the Norwegian Seafood Council. As there are many uncertainties and the situation is constantly evolving, we have created this page to give regular updates and analysis.

NSC signs UN Global Compact Sustainable Ocean Principles

NSC signs UN Global Compact Sustainable Ocean Principles

The Norwegian Seafood Council is pleased to announce its endorsement of the Sustainable Ocean Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, a framework for responsible ocean-related business practices.

Only half of us eat recommended amounts of seafood, new study shows

Only half of us eat recommended amounts of seafood, new study shows

A recent study by the NSC uncovers that seafood consumption is far below recommended amounts. The study, which is the largest seafood consumer study in the world with more than 25,000 respondents across 25 markets, found that only 51 percent of people reported eating seafood two or more times a week.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Great interest in new seafood markets in the Middle East

This autumn, the Norwegian Seafood Council (NSC) is organizing an industry stand at seafood shows in Dubai and Saudi Arabia. The events are part of our focus on emerging markets and will help to create a B2B arena for Norwegian exporters. So many Norwegian exporters have expressed a desire to participate in the events that the exporter´s stand is now fully booked.

Food safety and sustainability is growing in importance worldwide

Food safety and sustainability is growing in importance worldwide

Increased demand for responsibly sourced and traceable seafood is the biggest trend in a fresh study on worldwide seafood consumption. The annual study, consisting of over 25,000 respondents around 25 countries across the globe, show that safe and sustainable is the fastest growing reason for purchasing seafood across all countries.

Ocean farming can help preserve global ecosystems

Ocean farming can help preserve global ecosystems

If people swapped even a small proportion of their meat for seafood in their daily diet, an area twice the size of India could be spared, a new study by Norwegian and American scientists has found.

​Norwegian Seafood Council Restructures Its Marketing Operations in India

​Norwegian Seafood Council Restructures Its Marketing Operations in India

Due to a significant reduction in funds, The Norwegian Seafood Council has to reduce its global market investments in 2018. As a consequence, the NSCs operations in the Indian market will be restructured, and delivered directly from the headquarters of the Norwegian Seafood Council from spring 2018.

Proudly representing Seafood from Norway

The Norwegian Seafood Council works with the Norwegian fisheries and aquaculture industries to develop markets for Norwegian seafood through local market intelligence, market development and reputational risk management. The Seafood Council is headquartered in Tromsø and maintains local representatives in twelve of Norway's most important international markets. The Norwegian seafood industry finances the activities of the Norwegian Seafood Council via a tariff on all Norwegian seafood exports. The Norwegian Seafood Council is a public company owned by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries.

Norwegian Seafood Council

Stortorget 1
9008 Tromsø